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Automatic Database Failover

A client called wanting to find why a database had failed-over to the DR server( this environment was configured mirror few OLTP databases) ; I was caught off guard, but gave him the usual reasons and wanted to have look at the server to be precise. But then to my amazement the client mentioned only one databases had failed over and the other databases were sitting on the primary server.

What I did
1.)    Investigate the SQL Server errorlog
2.)    Investigate the Windows errorlog

·         Found the time the failover happened from the sql Log
Execute the following statement on the sql server instance Sp_Readerrorlog 0,1,’Fileover’; for more information of the Sp_ReadErrorlog function

·         Now that I found the time window of the failure , I reviewed the events leading to the failover 

As observed, the database mirroring for one database was inactive ( row 1841) and row 1842 provides a high level reason;  it seemed to be a connectivity issue. What this generally implies, is of a disruption of connectivity between the primary server and witness servers.

·         Now let’s have a look at the windows error log on the witness 
As the message reads due to 10 seconds delay to respond the witness had decided to failover.

-          Not all databases will failover due to a network glitch, just the database that experienced  the response delay


  1. Assume you decide the default failover elapse time was changed from 10 seconds to 60 seconds. From a database high availability perspective the system will not be available for a further 50 seconds. This may not be acceptable from application high availability perspective and should be consulted with the business owner.


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