I have been an agent of change in my pod and the staff I have been waving is postgres :). We have been working out a new project and the OLTP data store is postgres. Out of the many things I encountered this week two things really topped the list. Most OLTP workload are random IO. Postgres heep vs cluster key that sorts data Declarative partitioning is the way forward to keeping data sets manageble and assists with maintenance tasks. The code snippet for bellow provides details of the partition child table properties. SELECT nmsp_parent.nspname AS parent_schema, parent.relname AS parent, nmsp_child.nspname AS child_schema, child.relname AS child , pg_get_expr(child.relpartbound, child.oid, true) as child_expression, child.reloptions FROM pg_inher...
This blog is to, share the encounters and learning’s of Sql Server