I was muddling around attempting to find away to display the ReadCapacity and WriteCapacity for the dyanmodb table with powersheel. Wanted to share this as it took me quite bit of trial error before getting this right. $PrimaryRegion = 'ap-southeast-2' $ddbtablelist = Get-DDBTableList -Region $PrimaryRegion foreach ($ddbtablelist_item in $ddbtablelist) { Get-DDBTable -Region $PrimaryRegion -TableName $ddbtablelist_item |Select- Object TableName , ItemCount, @{Name= "ProvisionedThroughput" ;Expression={ $_.ProvisionedThroughput | Select- Object ReadCapacityUnits ,WriteCapacityUnits}}|Select- Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty ProvisionedThroughput -ExpandProperty ProvisionedThroughput}
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