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Showing posts from August, 2015

Notes On Setting up Octave on ubantu

   What a felling, After weeks of pondering and been pestered by Teresa Brooks i have started the machine learning course by Andrew Ng. just finished installing Octave on my ubantu VM.  Don't have much to notes to share at the moment but few links that was helpful when setting up the VM Setting up the VM and Installing Ubantu To install Octave on Ubantu Now lets hope i will make some honest effort to submit some of the course assignments

How To Retrieve Drive Details From Powershell ( For a Replica Participating in HADR)

So we are moving to Windows server core. What do you know, the SQL DBA's life has become bit more complicated and the SQL DBA's need few more tool added to their belt. Just wanted to share my first  .ps1 . The objective of the script was to identify the space usage of the server participating in HADR replication. Few things to Note  - The user executing the script should have permission to read data off the "Sys.dm_hadr_availability_replica_cluster_nodes" DMV - Should have a  folder "ServerDetails" in the desktop or should have the permission to create the folder under the ps1 user context.  - A text file will be created in the "ServerDetails" folder which will be automatically created. I am sure there will be more versions of this PS1 in the next few weeks. But for the moment, i want to share my success :)  Cheers yo  #--=============================================================================== #-- Input to g